• 剑桥大学|土地经济学面试辅导

  • 适用院校专业

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  • 课程目的

    Key Skills




    - 学生能否细致、准确、清晰地表达他们的观点?

    - 学生是否能组织自己的思维过程,并与人流畅交流,让人容易理解?

    - 学生是否能通过提出新的论点来展现细微差别并进一步强化他们的观点?

    - 面试是否是以“对话沟通”形式呈现,或者学生只是强硬回答问题,或时间过长/短?


    - 学生是否紧张,还是他们表现得镇定自若,准备好进行有趣的讨论?

    - 学生在回答问题阶段如何表现?他们是否愿意停下来思考,还是紧张不安?

    - 学生会摆脱最初的紧张情绪,还是会影响面试的整体流程?

    Independent Thinking|独立思考及创造能力

    - 学生是否需要许多后续或指导性问题来引导他们进行论证,还是他们独自评估信息并能做出相应的反应?

    - 学生是否能清楚地表达他们如何评估信息,以及在多大程度上同意/不同意,为什么?

    - 学生是否能拓展思考,并在讨论中加入新的观点或因素?

    - 学生在谈话中是被动的还是会主动表达自己的观点?

    - 学生是否有意想不到的创造力或新的视角来回答问题的能力?

  • 授课老师


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    BA in Land Econnomy - University of Cambridge

    I’m an undergraduate at the University of Cambridge studying Land Economy – a course covering Law, Economics, and the Environment - and I received a Starred First in my first year exams. I have previous experience and success in mentoring prospective Land Economy applicants, including successful applicants to the 2023 admissions cycle. I have grown to be adept at tailoring advice and plans to individual requirements, while providing the encouragement and support needed to ace the application process.

    At A-Level, I studied Mathematics, Economics, and Politics, alongside an AS-Level in Further Mathematics. I am more than happy to give advice where needed on the content of these courses, how they build to a degree, and how to leverage them in your Oxbridge application. And while my current studies are in Land Economy, I know that often the essential thing in the mentoring of students is just ensuring an understanding of the process, a knowledge of the ins and outs, and the ability to demonstrate a genuine passion in a subject field, so I am well placed to advise on issues such as these. I have past experience and success in guiding applicants through the Land Economy application process, including securing an offer for an applicant in the 2022 intake. I advise both on the specifics of personal statements, assessments and interviews, alongside the equally essential fundamentals of beyond-syllabus reading and activities to develop and demonstrate passion.

    In building and demonstrating passion, I can advise on readings and activities beyond syllabus studies and, through my in-depth experience in the Cambridge interview and supervision process, guide applicants on how best to translate these into the points and arguments interviewers will be searching for.


    I have past experience and success in guiding applicants through the Land Economy application process, including securing an offer for an applicant in the 2022 intake. I advise both on the specifics of personal statements, assessments and inte

  • 课后反馈


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    学员案例 -Yuky


  • 课程报名

    费用:RMB 25,600

    课时数: 20节1对1 + 2节workshop

  • 关于缇纷

    缇纷在线是UCAS (英国高等院校招生服务)官方认证中心,为体制外学生申请英美大学提供高品质名师在线个性化留学服务,包含GCSE、A-Level、IB、AP、国际奥赛培优,牛剑笔试与面试服务,及英国G5大学申请规划,助力学生进入梦校!